no they are so stuck up they don't think they smell,although we all know different.
2006-10-17 21:51:50 UTC
yes haha
The Gadfly
2006-10-17 21:51:44 UTC
Are you trying to start a smear campaign against the French? Grow up!
2006-10-17 21:51:06 UTC
UHHH Yeah!
Angela M
2006-10-17 22:04:06 UTC
Yes, they do. They just aren't as "meticulous" in their bathing habits as we are. They think we bathe TOO much... Most Europeans bathe or shower every other day, and think that deodorant is unpleasant b/c natural human odor is the way we are SUPPOSED to smell.
2006-10-17 21:51:56 UTC
Only to foreigners.
The natives use "eau de toilette overflowed, quick, let's bottle it".
2006-10-17 15:47:04 UTC
Yeah. You go to a supermarket in half a dozen European cities and chances are you'll find it difficult to distinguish between them as brands have to a huge extent been harmonised across the EU.
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.