Is there an outdoor cafe in France with the best view?
Harold Sink
2007-08-22 20:25:06 UTC
Some of you did not seem to understand my previous question. That is why I restated and reworded it here. I need to know if someone has a picture of a cafe in France where you can eat outside on the corner next to two streets that cross each other. This is called a corner cafe, one that allows you to eat outside even when weather is bad.

I want to paint a picture of something like that. I have never been to France, and really don't want to spend the next two weeks online trying to find a picture remotely like it. Can anyone out there help me.

Sure, as an artist, I can make something up. That is easy. I would like to paint something that is real and not made up in my head.
One answer:
2007-08-23 05:47:16 UTC
Go to Honfleur it s wonderful and you can listen also to Sati in his museum

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